Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My new condo

In May I moved into a my new condo. I'm a homeowner again!!! I wake in the morning and I still can't believe I own this place. It has surpassed all of my expectations. My castle.


  1. I love the space! It’s literally spacious, plus the fact that the windows add to its overall appeal. Your ceiling is unusually high though, which I find very uncommon, especially in a condo unit. This is a good choice! Congrats!

    -Lakisha Zimmerer

  2. Now this is what I call SPACE! Apart from the usual look of condo units, what I love about this one is its high ceiling! I’d love to live in a condo like this!

    -Justin Bill

  3. I’m used to living in a house or a condo with high ceilings! This is one basic feature I look for in a place whenever I transfer. I just love space! More space means more room for air!

    -Lakisha Zimmerer
